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About this Book

This publication is comprised of 14 topics on tomato, including history of tomato production, cultural practices, pest management, harvesting, handling and marketing. This publication provides information that will assist producers in improving the profitability of tomato production, whether they are new or experienced producers.


In writing this publication, the authors have strived to provide a thorough overview of all aspects of tomato production. However, chemical pest control recommendations are not included, as these change from year to year. For up-to-date chemical recommendations, see the current Tomato Pest Management Handbook.




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 This tomato farming guide will look at the process of planting, maintaining and harvesting tomatoes. We will also address the factors to consider before planting tomatoes.  First, you need to choose a suitable location for planting. An important factor is access to water. Water proximity should be as close as possible to avoid added costs of transporting/pumping water. Alternatively water tanks can be used and this is specifically suitable when using drip irrigation system.  The previous crop planted on the land should also be considered. Tomatoes should not be planted immediately after potatoes or pepper and a 3 month break should be observed. This is to minimize on risk of diseases and reduce costs on disease management. Gently sloping land is best as it facilitates drainage during rainy periods especially for open air method. The soil should be prepared well and loosened and broken down well. The optimal pH for tomatoes is around 6-7.5. Soil analysis can be done to determine this and help you come up with the list of required fertilizer to prepare the land. If the pH is low, lime can be used to raise it and if high, gypsum can be used to lower it. Dowload the manual and learn more on this high rewarding venture.

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