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About this Book

One acre of watermelon can give a yield of 20 tons @Ksh20 per kg earning you 400,000ksh in 3 months time. The Cost of production is about Ksh100, 000 per acre.


To get even a higher record breaking yield, follow carefully the guidelines in this manual and start your journey to farming the professional way.




DOWNLOADS: 230 Copies

PRICE: KES 950/-



It is green on the outside and red inside, and very profitable to grow. Watermelon farming in Kenya is easy to start, the plant requires little management and the market is plenty. This is a watermelon farming guide for anyone thinking of ways to start a watermelon farm in Kenya.


The watermelon fruit is mostly composed of water. The over 92% water in the fruit serves as a great refreshment to quench thirst. It is also very nutritious: A watermelon has vitamins A, C and B6, folate, potassium, amino acids, antioxidants and other healthy ingredients, yet it is low in calories.


Watermelon farming in Kenya is best done in the hot regions of the country. The coastal areas, Machakos and Kajiado are leading producers of the fruit.

The fruit grows in Nyeri and other highland regions as well (during the warm months), but watermelons grown in the highlands are of inferior quality to those grown in hot areas–watermelons that are grown under hot conditions are sweeter, bigger and give more yields. Just like any other profitable crop, besides good management practices, Pest control is Key. The above manual covers all this critical areas and has been such an eye opener for over 100 farmers since its release in 2015.


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