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About OTP

Onion Traders Panel Kenya is the source of information for onion farming and a training hub for new farmers venturing into cultivation of onions. We empower you and give you the power and confidence to start it your own . We help you learn and grow, through materials such as guidebooks,DVDs and online conversations. Since the birth of OTP, hundreds of farmers have confidently started onion cultivativation and a number of them have reaped a fortune. The success stories we have heard are just amazing!


Through the long distance farming package[LDF] we assist those far away from home to continue contributing into the food industry by growing for them. For the urban professionals who get a hard time when it comes to farming mostly due to their busy life, LDF is what we give them, and through it, they manage to farm and still continue with their busy lives.


OTP basically Trains you and Grows for you. We however do not guarantee market of the produce but from the periodic orders we get online, we normally contact our members to supply. We are currently striving to establish a reliable market and are so far in the process of computing a traders database where the farmer meets the traders and the harvest meets the market in the most convinient ways possible using today's technology.


With the ever growing database for onion growers, our system will eventually be modified and growers grouped as per the market demands now that we are looking into supplying the international markets. Accomodating more than 10,000 onion farmers, OTP can easily manage the global markets once all due procedures and legalities are completed.


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Seeds. Training. Consulting. Supplies

© 2014 by OTP.  Onion Traders Panel,16837-20100 Prime plaza Nakuru, kenya. Tel: +254712302733

Cigma Plaza, Nakuru

  Customer Services: +2547119106700   

Opening Hours:
Mon - Fri: 8am - 4pm
​​Saturday: 8am - 12pm


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