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About this Book

This Guidebook is the result of collaborative work across several departments including Horticulture, Plant Pathology, Crop and Soil Science, Entomology, Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Food Science and Technology and Agricultural Economics partners.  The information in this publication is based on the 2013/2014 growing season, but it can still be applied to the current production of bulb onions in kenya and across the east africa region. The authors would like to extend their thanks to the many people involved in editing, proofing, and putting this document into its final form.






OFFER ENDS 23/06/2016




Onion (Allium cepa L) is extremely important vegetable crop not only for internal consumption but also as highest foreign exchange earner in most countries, among the fruits and vegetables.Onions are the most consumed vegetable in East Africa followed by tomatoes, potatoes and cucumbers. In Kenya Imports from Tanzania currently account for an estimated 65 percent of the onions consumed in the country. Onions clearly represent an excellent opportunity for crop diversification for Kenyan farmers. Farm gate prices for onions have shown an upwards trend since 2009 followingchanges in policies in Kenya and East Africa Community that significantly reduced subsidies on onions.The bulb onion is the third most important vegetable for the local market in Kenya. It grows best at below 1,900m altitude; 500-700mm rainfall; 15- 30 ºC temperature range; fertile, well-drained sandy loams with a pH of 5.8 - 6.5. Kenya's Production of onions in terms of cultivated area, yield and value decreased by 46 Percent, 30 per cent and 14 percent respectively compared to 2011. This was attributed to Reduction in the area under the crop by the leading county, although there was an Improvement in unit price. This has greatly been influenced by factors such as post-harvest losses, poor irrigation practices and lack of skills and knowledge on agronomical practices involved in onion farming.Today, the Domestic demand outstrips supply every year resulting to imports from India, Egypt and Tanzania as per the recent report by the Horticulture crop development authority.






India is the 2nd largest producer of onion, in the world next only to China but the productivity of onion in India is very low i.e. 14.21 tons/ ha as compared to China and other countries like , Egypt, Netherlands, & Iran etc. In East Africa, Tanzania produces more with kenya waking up into realizing the high returns onion farming can fetch to an individual.





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