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Many starters in onion farming find it difficult to start the whole process,most of them make very major mistakes that get them kicked off the industry. You dont need to make those mistakes too,we are here to take you through.Dont know where or how to start onion farming? we will take you through the whole process from planting to harvesting. Our experts will be with you at every step.


On joining OTP, you get FREE consulting services and updates for onion farming.

Our experts spear you in the right direction and help you discover challenges early enough to tackle them.

Seeds and tools

With the rise in cases arising from purchase of fake seeds,we provide you with a secure platform to buy original onion seeds of different varieties and farming tools. We have hybrid varieties like jambar f1 and Redpassion f1,irrigation systems,greenhouses,fertilizers,etc.

Long distance Farming

It has never been easier for people abroad or far from their farms to do farming. There is always an aspect of fear of loss due to lack of attention to the crop. You no longer need to worry,we have a platform for you. Our LDF package covers projects where owners  are busy or far and takes over the entire project

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Seeds. Training. Consulting. Supplies

© 2014 by OTP.  Onion Traders Panel,16837-20100 Prime plaza Nakuru, kenya. Tel: +254712302733

Cigma Plaza, Nakuru

  Customer Services: +2547119106700   

Opening Hours:
Mon - Fri: 8am - 4pm
​​Saturday: 8am - 12pm


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