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Knowledge is power they say and in onion farming you need to have information on the practices involved from the nursery stage all the way to harvesting to avoid making mistakes that could lead you to losses. For that reason, we have a training platform where we train and award beginners in onion farming. Learning with experts gives you more insights and field visits help you understand the venture much better. This training gives you confidence and enables you to weigh the risks innvolved from another perspective with the promising returns in mind. Every time we carry out exclusive trainings and events that benefit you as an onion farmer.



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Seeds. Training. Consulting. Supplies

© 2014 by OTP.  Onion Traders Panel,16837-20100 Prime plaza Nakuru, kenya. Tel: +254712302733

Cigma Plaza, Nakuru

  Customer Services: +2547119106700   

Opening Hours:
Mon - Fri: 8am - 4pm
​​Saturday: 8am - 12pm


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