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About the Long Distance farming,


This Model of farming addresses the need for urban proffessions to be part of the complex production chain through managed farm projects. With the ever growing demand for onion supplies in the market, the results are immense. The long distance farming model simply gives you an opprtuniy to farm without you necesarily being there and enables you to carry on with your day to day activities. We farm for you and manage the crop under good care where as all provisions are made as required by the LDF agreement.  We get seeds for you, we lease you land in the case you don't have one, we facilitate all initial procedures and do the sowing, spraying, transplating, harvesting and to some extent Marketing.


On LDF Registration:


a.       OTP shall, to your exclusion , be in charge of the management of all projects;

b.      You are free (at your own cost) to visit any project in which you have invested at any time before the Termination Date.

c.       OTP shall send progress reports every two weeks.

d.      OTP will manage and implement the entire project, including from sowing to harvesting;

e.      You shall have a right to be present at the site of the project at any time before the Termination Date.

f.        You may be present or send a representative to be present during harvesting.

g.      OTP shall maintain accurate and up to date records on all aspects of the project(s) including but not limited to financial accounting, inventory, inputs, management and production.


Post Harvest Procedures;


a.       After harvesting is completed, the Manager will record the total yield produced on the Yield Certificate. You will get a copy of this Yield Certificate relating to the project you invested in signed by the Manager.

b.      This Yield Certificate shall state:

i.      The metric weight of produce yielded or other comparable measurement unit;

ii.      Estimated Kenya Shilling value of the produce yielded;

iii.      The names of the buyers who have an interest in the produce yielded.


6.       Sales and Marketing.


a.     On receipt of the duly signed Yield Certificate, You have the right to:

i.      sell your share independently of the other clients or independently of the Manager; or

ii.      agree to sell as a group with the other clients; or

iii.      collect your produce and remove it from the site of harvest to any other place of your choosing; or

iv.      do any of the above with any part of your share;


b.      Your can request and authorize the Manager to sell your yield on your behalf.

i.      Such authorization shall be in writing.

ii.     The Manager charges a commission of 15% of the sales price on every successful sale.

iii.     Unless otherwise agreed in writing, if the Manager sells produce on behalf of a client, the Manager shall become immediately liable to the member for the proceeds of the sale. The member shall have no dealings with the purchaser.


c.       The Manager shall not provide storage after the Yield Certificate is signed. Any  storage shall be charged by the Manager.


This Model is suitable for anyone in the country or abroad, citizens and foreign ivestors. With a dedicated team, reliable water supplies, unlimited market connections, and expansive piece of land, this model has proved to work well and with plans for expansion it will criticaly address issues in food security across the country. Today Onion is a compulsary ingridient in every meal every day, hence providing a huge market space for onion farmers. This Model was lauched in early 2014 and so far about 7 Projects were conisdered succesfull with harvests of up to 22 tonnes per acre. However, 2 projects were hit by eventulities beyond control and yields were as low as 4 tonnes per acre. This involved heavy unexpected rains which caused extensive damage. In such eventualities, you may not face a total loss but still you have an option to recoup back your entire investment. Check out the Charges,terms and conditions below for more details. Click on the Link below to download the documents



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Seeds. Training. Consulting. Supplies

© 2014 by OTP.  Onion Traders Panel,16837-20100 Prime plaza Nakuru, kenya. Tel: +254712302733

Cigma Plaza, Nakuru

  Customer Services: +2547119106700   

Opening Hours:
Mon - Fri: 8am - 4pm
​​Saturday: 8am - 12pm


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