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Available LDF Plans

Min Investment: 1 acre

Investment capital: 195,000

Min contribution per member: 19,500

Min total Returns on inv:  1.2 million 

Number of members per chama: 10

Inv period: 4-5 months

Registrtion: Free


Min Investment: 5 acres

Investment capital: 750,000/-

Min contribution per member: 37,500/-

Min Returns on inv:  5.1 million 

Number of members per chama: 20

Inv period: 4-5 months

Registration: Free


Min Investment: 1/2 acre

Maximum inv: Unlimited

Investment capital: Variable

Min contribution per member: Variable[Check policy statement below

Max contribution per member: Unlimited

Min Returns on inv:  1.2 million

Min Number of members per chama: 10

Max number of members per chama: 100

Inv period: 4-5 months

Registration: 8,000 per chama


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